Whole BODY Empowerment with Julie Mavros
Chronic Pain & Migraine Coach, ICF Certified Health Coach, Certified BodyMind Coach
Pain Management Coaching to help you step off the chronic pain and migraine rollercoaster and step into reclaiming your life!
Take the guesswork out of your exact next steps when navigating chronic pain and migraines with…
- Your Pathway Through Pain Workbook -
It’s a MUST for anyone suffering from chronic pain or migraines in their daily life!
“Julie’s Pathway Through Pain Workbook gives anyone experiencing chronic pain a clear visual along with clear directions to guide you during both the acute and maintenance phases of chronic pain. It’s a MUST for anyone suffering from pain in their daily life!”
- Carly Clark Zimmer, Galway, Ireland
I so appreciate how Julie has laid out a very simple to follow path!
“I had an aha/mic drop moment when I read, “How do I want to honor my body today?” versus battling my body. For so many of us, we try to overcome it instead of working with our body. I so appreciate how Julie has laid out a very simple to follow path! Thank you Julie Mavros!”
- Laurel Goulden-James, Brandon, Manitoba, CA
Imagine chronic pain and migraines no longer being at the center of your life.
No more feeling…
Shackled to a body that you no longer recognize.
The heavy weight of unseen pain that you “push through”.
Unsure if you should order a regular, soy, or almond milk latte. “Are my migraine triggers diet related?” you ask as you walk through Target with the fuzzy brain fog.
The swirl from chronic pain makes you feel isolated as it consumes you. Friendships, work, and even how you show up as a parent - is all impacted.
Out of control with your body. Or rotating melting ice packs over and over.
Pain had set in and seemed it would never leave. But it has!
“Whole BODY Empowerment is simply outstanding in every way. Julie’s kindness and compassion always makes me feel safe while in her care. Pain had set in and seemed it would never leave. But it has! Of significant importance to me is how much I have loved being a part of the healing process. My knowledge base has expanded considerably and I have found that the best thing about my experience with Whole BODY Empowerment is learning that I have the ability to make lasting changes that affect not just my body, but the general quality of day to day living as well. This gives me a great sense of confidence and optimism about the future. Happy body, happy mind!”
— Amanda, Issaquah, WA
It’s time for a revolutionary guide to pain management and the tools to feel like YOU again.
Hi, I’m Julie Mavros
Your Chronic Pain & Migraine Coach - ICF Certified Health Coach - Certified BodyMind Coach - Obsessed with everything BODY!
What I know to be true…your body is constantly trying to communicate with you. It’s our job to lean in and listen. If you want to step off the chronic pain and migraine rollercoaster, I can help you make it happen while creating ease and freedom in your body and life.
Over the past 24 years, I have specialized in helping people navigate chronic pain and migraines with a holistic approach by infusing the BodyMind Method with Lifestyle Medicine principles to transform their health while nurturing their wellbeing with my unique Whole Body Empowered Framework.
On the day I found myself flying through the air head first, while entangled with a Thoroughbred racehorse, I had no idea how that exact moment in time would shape the rest of my life.
Julie has made a significant difference in my wellbeing.
“Julie has made a significant difference in my wellbeing. She is knowledgeable in her field and has a gift for finding the core issues that need to be addressed. Her expertise provides the opportunity for her to meet clients on any level and work with them to increase their health. Julie is trustworthy, professional, kind, and authentic. I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking whole body coaching.”
— Becki, Issaquah, WA
How I can help you relieve, heal, and prevent migraines and chronic pain…
The Whole Body Empowered Framework is a 2-step holistic approach by infusing the BodyMind Method (the inner work to reconnect and understand your body) with Lifestyle Medicine principles (the 6 pillars to transform your health and decrease your pain) while nurturing your wellBEING as you step off the chronic pain and migraine rollercoaster and step into reclaiming your life!
Step 1: Chronic Pain and Migraine Relief
Step 2: Maintenance and Prevention Plan
No matter where you are in your healing journey, from the swirl of acute pain to understanding your prevention plan, we can customize the Whole Body Empowered Framework for you.
Optimize WellBEING with 3 Options to Choose from…
BodyMind Coaching Session
Shine a light into how you want to feel in your body with this single session.
BodyMind Momentum Coaching Program to Ease Chronic Pain and Migraines
Jump start your personalized pain management…in just 3 weeks!
Empowered Resilience Signature Pain Management Coaching Program
A supportive 12-week healing journey to transform your wellBEING and reclaim your life from chronic pain and migraines!
We are like kale smoothies and sunshine if you’re…
Curious, open, and value learning. Take back control of your health and body while being an active participant in your healing journey. Hell yes, the time has come!
Looking for a chronic pain and migraine specialist to help you connect the dots on how to honor your body holistically. You might even have a team - physiatrist, naturopath, neurologist, or acupuncturist, but something is missing and you are not sure how to implement and pull all the pieces together.
Ready to uncover the language of your body so that you can have clarity and confidence moving forward on how to address your stress, pain, and what support your body needs so that you can trust your body again.
Excited to understand your triggers, pain patternings, how to fuel your body, how to safely move your body, when to rest, so that you can reclaim your energy, feel like yourself again, and get back to doing the things you love.
And you are someone who values…
Integrity, compassion, and connection. Everyone who walks through my door is ready to step off the pain cycle rollercoaster.
Here’s your next step.
If you are curious to uncover how infusing the BodyMind Method and Lifestyle Medicine principles can help you step off the chronic pain and migraine rollercoaster…
Let’s connect with a Complimentary WholeBody Consultation.
Julie is knowledgeable, compassionate, and always a great teacher guiding me towards maintaining my body in a healthy functional manner.
“Julie is knowledgeable, compassionate, and always a great teacher guiding me towards maintaining my body in a healthy functional manner. With Julie, I never felt rushed, and always have felt listened to. I strongly recommend her. She also always comes from a space of empowering women, which I love.”
— Lisa, Seattle, WA
Take the guesswork out of your exact next steps when navigating chronic pain and migraines with…
- Your Pathway Through Pain Workbook -
Her gentle questions enabled me to take another step in my healing journey and to uncover an amazing source of energy within me.
“I believe that we each carry the answers to our questions but sometimes life and/or pain get in the way of finding those answers. Julie creates an environment that facilitates reflection and openness. Her gentle questions enabled me to take another step in my healing journey and to uncover an amazing source of energy within me. I am very grateful for my time with Julie.”
— Joan, Auburn, WA
Are you ready to change your relationship with pain?
My philosophy is simple, honor the body.
I got you!
Julie’s anatomical knowledge and how our journey in life impacts it, has allowed me to keep doing the things I love!
“Besides having a magic, healing touch, Julie’s anatomical knowledge and how our journey in life impacts it, has allowed me to keep doing the things I love!!! Julie is truly a bright spot in my journey through this “bumpy” world!”
— Charlene, Sammamish, WA