The “inner work” to healing that people don’t talk about.
I was a rule follower, following my injuries as a professional jockey.
For me, the “external work” looked like showing up for my physical therapy, receiving bodywork, seeing my neurologist, acupuncturist, naturopath, and taking the magical medications and supplements, as the list goes on and on.
All the things that I was “supposed to do” that would help me heal from a broken back and brain injury.
And I did all those things. To the letter. Driven by fear.
Yes, some of those things did help me. Please don’t get me wrong as many provided great value and still do to this day.
But there was a huge gap missing in my pain management.
The “inner work”.
Working with clients over the past 25 years, specializing in chronic pain and migraines, this is what I would see over and over. New clients would come to me frustrated because they have been “doing all the things” or “have tried all the things” yet they are still experiencing chronic pain flares or migraines that seem to “come out of nowhere”.
This, understandably, greatly impacted their life.
We all want a quick fix that the “external work” can sometimes provide, and maybe that is all you need?
Trust me, I know. Over 30 years ago following my injuries, I desperately wanted a quick fix, too.
But here’s the thing, the “external work” puts you in the position of passing your healing process to someone else as you rely on them to “fix” you. And you become a passive participant in your healing process relying on the “external work” possibly indefinitely. Not to mention you stay stuck in the same habits, patterns, and mindset.
The hard truth is, the “internal work” is vitally important and cannot be skipped, overlooked, or disregarded in the healing process.
The “inner work” takes time, practice, trying, and trying some more until you have a greater understanding how to decrease your stress, pain, and what support your body needs. (Let’s not kid each other, stress always shows up to join the party when pain is involved.)
Here are some key highlights you can experience when your “inner work” coincides with the “external work” and how it changes your healing process…
Understanding deep down that taking care of yourself is not selfish. And the steps to truly believe it. Period.
Freedom you gain when setting healthy boundaries that support you and your body as you maintain your energy levels.
Tapping into your strength and knowing the balance on when to give yourself grace.
A powerful mindset that tomorrow can look differently as resiliency is the golden thread woven throughout that gives you hope.
Discovering that your body has innate wisdom and that you have access to.
Clarity around your unique WHY behind your empowered choices that you are in control of - whether it be small changes with your nutrition, hydration, movement/exercise, and feeling amazeballs after a solid nights sleep.
Setting “non-negotiable appointments with yourself” for what support your body needs. And holding that space on your calendar every week as if it were written in Sharpie pen.
Learning what works best for you to ground even through the ups and downs of chronic pain and migraines to bring ease and calm into your day to day.
Shifting from feeling disconnected and betrayed by your body to befriending your body.
And the best ah-ha moment is when you realize that you have built a new relationship with your self and can trust your body again.
The inner work connects the dots to lasting change.
The inner work is not a quick fix and you will have it for a lifetime.
How does YOUR “inner work” show up in your healing journey?
Are you ready to be supported by an ICF Certified Health Coach who will help you uncover your missing gaps within your pain management? Discover how to connect your dots and reclaim your life from chronic pain and migraines!
Let’s connect and explore what that could look like specifically to you! Schedule your Complimentary WholeBody Consultation here.
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